Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Visit 3 Child Development Essay - 1015 Words

Visit 3 Child Development Date: 24.11.04 Time: 4:45 - 7:00 Age: 4 years 4 months Place:Zacks house People Present:Zack and I Aims and planning ----------------- From what I have seen of Zack, reading is a very important and enjoyable part of his day, which will help him develop intellectually, so today I am going to observe Zacks listening skills and his reading skills. I will observe these skills by monitoring him whilst I read him a story called Billys Beetle (which has been read to him on numerous occasions by his father) and an unknown story called Our Puppies Holiday. I will observe his reading skills while he reads a book called Bens stories.†¦show more content†¦This was as expected as Children thrive from repetition. Children want the same stories time and time again. According to Child Development by Heather Brennand, it is a good idea for a childs most popular book to be left on a display table for a little while, so that the child can familiarise themselves with the pictures and draw comfort from the story. The book was 20 pages long and required attentiveness and as quoted from Child Care Development by Pamela Minett, a child who is over 5 years old should be able to listen to the whole story without losing concentration if the reader uses techniques to sustain their interest. Zack is not 5 years old yet and although he comfortably read the whole book and contributed by answering questions that I asked him, he but didnt surpass my expectations because I was aware of his enjoyment for this particular book. Next I read Our Puppies Holiday and again he thoroughly enjoyed the story and consistently participated. In A Practical Guide To Child Development, it states that at the age of five it will be a challenge for the teacher to sustain the readers interest. Therefore I was impressed because it proved that he has phenomenal concentration levels and intelligence for someone of his age. Then Zack began to read Bens Stories, heShow MoreRelatedHealth, Safety and Hygiene1412 Words   |  6 PagesSheet 3: Health, safety and hygiene For this assessor visit, you will need to carry out a snack or mealtime routine in your placement. You will need to talk to your placement supervisor about this. Do this at least a week ahead of your assessor visit. Purpose: This visit will focus on your understanding of the Health and Safety and Food Management policies and procedures in your placement. You should be able to give your assessor a tour of the placement pointing out the relevant aspects. 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